Latest News & Releases

CPT Says: Swap car journeys to bus and coach

September 20 2023

Following the Prime Minister's announcement in relation to Net Zero, CPT is encouraging people to use the bus and coach as an alternative transport mode. 

CPT's CEO Graham Vidler speaking at the Great Transport Debate

September 18 2023

CPT's CEO Graham Vidler will be speaking at the Great Transport Debate in Manchester on the 28th September. 

CPT submits PSVAR industry response

September 12 2023

With the DfT’s 12-week call-to-evidence on the PSVAR now closed, thousands of UK bus and coach businesses eagerly wait to hear whether there will be government recommendations or changes to important passenger accessibility regulations.

CPT Scotland Director Paul White gives evidence in Scottish Parliament

September 12 2023

CPT Scotland Director Paul White was visited Scottish Parliament last week, to give evidence to the Social Justice and Social Security Committee.

CPT welcomes further government funding for zero emission buses

September 08 2023

The Transport Secretary has announced funding of up to £129m to help local transport authorities introduce hundreds more zero emission buses.


CPT launches new guidance to help tackle driver shortages

September 06 2023

CPT has launched a new recruitment and retention handbook, to support bus and coach operators, whose growth is being held back due to driver shortages.

CPT’s call for data from coach operators travelling to the Rugby World Cup

August 31 2023

Coach operators, who are using the Port of Dover and the Channel Tunnel for the Rugby World Cup, are being encouraged to help shape DfT’s and the Port’s response to a potentially busy travel period.

Encouraging greater interaction and kindness on London buses

August 29 2023

Neighbourly, TfL and the University of Sussex have published a new report entitled: ‘Encouraging greater interaction and kindness on London buses’.

Thousands raised for charity at Imberbus

August 27 2023

Over £38,000 has been raised for charity at Imber 2023.