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Developing a Transport Knowledge Hub – Consultation Findings

December 06 2016

In this publication, Greener Journeys reveals the findings of the consultation on the creation of a Transport Knowledge Hub to support Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) with growth initiatives.

A Green Bus For Every Journey

November 10 2016

A wide range of technology solutions are revolutionising the operation of buses across the UK.

A study of the value of local bus services to society

October 24 2016

Building successful and sustainable communities requires the pursuit of policies attuned to economic, social and environmental objectives. This is especially true for transport policy and investment decisions which require a balanced approach to delivering economic prosperity, supporting social inclusion and protecting the natural environment.

A Study of the value of local bus services to society – Task III Technical Report: Econometric Analysis

October 24 2016

The first order effects of better bus services emerge through improvements in travel times, reliability, comfort or fares. The research question explored in this work is: Is there a link between bus accessibility and social outcomes?

The Value of the Bus to Society

October 24 2016

We know that policy is not about economic value alone. Because life isn’t just about the pound in your pocket, or savings to the Exchequer. And policy should not just be made on economic arguments alone, however strong they may be.

Developing a Transport Knowledge Hub – Consultation

October 03 2016

Greener Journeys is working with the LEP Network and Local Partnerships to establish a Transport Knowledge Hub to support local decision-makers develop and deliver transport policy and investment initiatives to support economic growth.

The Impact of Congestion on Bus Passengers – New extended version

September 14 2016

Traffic congestion is a disease which if left unchecked will destroy the bus sector.

The Impact of Congestion on Bus Passengers

June 02 2016

“In this study David rightly highlights the crisis which has developed in bus service reliability across the UK, and suggests a new and urgent need to make our buses quicker and more reliable to make our cities work better.

The Journey of the Green Bus

February 11 2016

A revolution in the introduction of greener, cleaner buses in the UK is helping deliver on climate and air quality objectives.