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CPT’s industry costs report of February 2024 now available.

July 23 2024

The rate of increase in unit costs for bus operators slowed in the most recent twelve months, after two years of double-digit increases. 

CPT reacts to the Kings Speech

July 17 2024

The bus industry will work closely with the new Government to help transform the sector and to help realise its key priorities for economic growth, swifter decarbonisation, and more sustainable travel

CPT Cymru welcomes publication of draft guidance on 30mph speed limits in Wales

July 16 2024

Bus operators in Wales hope local authorities will now engage and work closely with them to improve speeds on key routes. 

CPT responds to Transport Secretary Louise Haigh's pledge to kickstart a “bus revolution”

July 11 2024

CPT looks forward to working hand in hand with the government to deliver change which benefits passengers across the whole country, prioritises buses in order to curb congestion and air pollution, and drives swifter progress towards the UK’s climate targets

CPT responds to First Minister's pledge to bring forward of a Bus Bill to enact franchised bus services across Wales

July 09 2024

Bus operators ask the Welsh Government to work with the industry to build a system that retains current local knowledge and innovation capacity.

CPT reacts to the General Election result

July 05 2024

CPT heralds the huge opportunity the new Government has to ensure bus and coach operators help deliver its key priorities including economic growth, decarbonisation, relief from recent inflation, and modal shift.

SNP manifesto target to end sale of diesel-powered buses is bad news for a smooth transition to net-zero services across Scotland 

June 20 2024

By proposing an end of sale date of 2025 for diesel powered buses, the SNP is disproportionately targeting SMEs and rural bus operators and the marginal, but socially necessary, services they provide, says CPT.

Spending on bus does not match the priorities of voters

June 19 2024

Less than 10% of all transport spending is allocated to the provision of bus services by the current government [1] , but new polling[2] shows more than four in ten (42%) British adults want investment in bus services to be made a top priority by the next government.

CPT responds to the Labour Party manifesto

June 13 2024

We welcome Labour’s manifesto commitment to a long-term transport strategy and say this commitment must be matched with a five-year long-term spending programme, as happens for rail.