This section is split into seven key content areas. Click on the links at the bottom to access the case studies and supporting content.
1. Training and development - Creating a welcoming and inclusive culture is crucial in a successful business that embraces diversity. And one of the key areas which helps build and create strong foundations is the way in which we train and develop our people. It’s important to make sure our training programmes reflect the culture we’re building.
2. Inclusive workplace - There’s lots of great work being carried out to make sure practical changes are being introduced to help accelerate diversity. From leaderships styles which promote an inclusive and welcoming workplace, and foster ownership and transformational management styles, through to offering flexible working patterns that meet the needs of colleagues in a much better way.
3. Spotting talent - We already have experience, talent and fantastic skills within our teams, by identifying this talent early we can make sure we help develop our own colleagues and prepare them for the next stage of their career with us.
4. Mental health and well-being - Once our colleagues are the most important asset we have. We want to nurture them and make sure that they are just as happy and comfortable in their personal life as they are when they are with us. We want to support them to make sure they can be the very best they can.
5. Reward and recognition - Organisations that regularly reward and recognise their colleagues are more likely to outperform those that don’t. Giving recognition is one of the powerful things a business can do, it improves motivation and loyalty and really shows colleagues that they are valued as individuals.
6. Personal safety - We want everyone to feel safe at work, and it’s important to recognise that some people may be, or feel more vulnerable than others. Whether it’s dealing with a tricky situation out on the road, or an unlit walk back to a car after a shift, we can help highlight and create awareness about what we can do to help people feel safe - whether they are colleagues or customers.
7. Internal engagement - Building strong teams with a constant flow of communication between departments and peers can help people feel valued and really help motivate colleagues. If everyone knows the direction they should be travelling in, it makes for a hugely successful journey for all!
We are very grateful to our sponsors and to the team of volunteers who have helped develop, create and populate the inclusive employment journey. If you would like to help support us, please do get in touch.