This section is split into three key content areas. Click on the links at the bottom to access the case studies and supporting content.
1. Retraining/volunteering - In our industry many people stay with us for 30 or 40 years and when they leave there may be other opportunities that they would like to explore. This is another great way to show support for colleagues even after they have taken retirement.
2. Finances - It can be a daunting time for employees as they begin the next stage of their journey. And many organisations offer valuable financial advice and information about offer benefits too, such as free travel and other perks.
3. Support - The shift in pace as you leave full time employment for retirement can be a real challenge for some. Businesses have recognised this and in order to offer support and ensure that step into retirement is an enjoyable one have set up social networks, both virtual and in real life too. The message is clear, even when you’ve retired you’re still important to us.
We are very grateful to our sponsors and to the team of volunteers who have helped develop, create and populate the inclusive employment journey. If you would like to help support us, please do get in touch.