Our 2021 research from the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Women in Transport asked women and men about their experiences and perceptions of working in transport. We found that 75% of women felt it was easier for men to progress than women. One recommendation from the report was for Women in Transport to develop a leadership programme.
Our Women in Transport leadership development programme is called “Lead”. It is an 8-month virtual learning and development programme, designed to evolve and grow the leadership capability and confidence of women working in the transport sector.
Our objective is to support women to progress to senior positions; providing practical skills, a recognised qualification whilst building a high quality alumni network that will continue to support their career progression and empower other women through their visibility and role modelling.
This is a sector specific programme open to Women in Transport members (women only). The group size for each cohort is a maximum of 18. Completion of the programme includes the ILM Level 5 Certificate in Leadership, conducted by professional interview.
Video content here - https://www.womenintransport.com/lead/#womenwholead