Latest News & Releases

CPT urges new government to drive swift progress on vocational driver licensing reforms

June 10 2024

CPT has now submitted its response to the DfT’s consultation on vocational driver licensing. 

CPT Responds: Review of Rail and Urban Transport call for evidence

January 26 2024

CPT has submitted a call for evidence response to the Review of Rail and Urban Transport by the Urban Transport Group, who are conducting the Review on behalf of the Labour Party.

CPT Responds: 2024 Budget Submission

January 24 2024

CPT has sent a submission to the Treasury for the 2024 Budget. Download CPT's 2024 Budget Submission

CPT Responds: Infrastructure for zero emission heavy goods vehicles and coaches

December 21 2023

CPT has responded to the Infrastructure for zero emission heavy goods vehicles and coaches call for evidence. 

CPT's Autumn Statement Submission

October 13 2023

In advance of the Autumn Statement on 22 November, CPT has produced a submission to HM Treasury.

CPT Responds: EEA Driving Licence consultation

September 22 2023

CPT has responded to the DfT consultation on the GB Law for people who return to Great Britain with an EEA Driving Licence. Read CPT's response here

CPT Responds to the future of transport data inquiry

August 09 2023

CPT has responded to the future of transport data inquiry. Read our full response.

CPT Responds to Liverpool City Region Bus Franchising Consultation

August 03 2023

Operators want to work in partnership with LCR to deliver these outcomes regardless of the delivery model taken forward. Read CPT's full response

Heavy vehicle testing review: call for evidence

June 16 2023

CPT responded to DfT's Heavy Vehicle Testing call for evidence. 

Click here to download our response.