February 24 2022
The Diversity and Inclusion Bus Group, part of Women in Transport, has partnered with the Confederation of Passenger Transport (CPT) to launch a central resource for the whole of the bus and coach industry to use and benefit from.
The Inclusive Employment Journey (IEJ) will cover every step of employment, from community engagement and recruitment, through to support with life after a career in bus and coach. The initiative has, at its heart, diversity and inclusion and it will promote the very best, and the latest projects which represent first-class practice from across the industry.
The IEJ is web-based and hosted by CPT, best practice case studies are showcased and are accessible to all.
Caroline Ward, director at JAW Consultants and co-founder of the IEJ, said: “This is such an exciting project. We want the IEJ to become a central reference point that all levels of management within the industry can access to understand opportunities to improve diversity and inclusion. Collaboration is key to our success, and we know that the IEJ can help make that happen.”
Chloe Leach-O’Connell, co-chair of the Diversity and Inclusion Bus Group, added: “This is just the beginning we know there’s some amazing examples out there and pockets of excellence, and we want to know all about them. This resource has just begun on its journey. It belongs to all of us, so please use it and help us add to it too!”
Graham Vidler, CEO of the Confederation of Passenger, said: “Championing diversity and inclusion will improve employee wellbeing and help build a better workforce. The Inclusive Employment Journey will be a vital resource for our industry and will help with retaining as well as recruiting staff in various roles.
“I encourage everyone to use the resources available and don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Inclusive Employment Journey team if you have any case studies to share. By sharing examples of best practice we can champion diversity and inclusion across the bus and coach industry.”
Sonya Byers, CEO of Women in Transport added: “The IEJ is a great example of how Women in Transport can help support innovation in our industry. We are so proud that we are able to create these spaces for people to come together and develop ideas to help accelerate diversity. We would also like to thank CPT for helping to bring the whole project to life, and of course, a big thanks to our sponsors too.”
The sponsors of the IEJ are the Society of Engineers, Blackpool Transport, Go North West, Buzz Marketing, Women in Transport and the Confederation of Passenger Transport, and The Diversity and Inclusion Bus Group’s tech partners Rise Digital Media who have been key in developing and supporting the activity from concept to launch.
Visit the Inclusive Employment Journey here www.the-iej.org.uk
If you’d like to know more please email info@womenintransport.com